Are You Prepared on the Road and at Home?

Infogram showing necessary items for a grab and go bag for emergency preparedness


Be Prepared to "Grab & Go" During an Evacuation

In the event of an earthquake, tsunami or fire, you may have to quickly evacuate your home or workplace with little or no warning.  Make a "Grab & Go Bag" of essentials to grab on your way out.  A "Grab & Go Bag" is a packed case that will help keep you safe and comfortable in the coming hours and days. 

Assemble your kit BEFORE an emergency, when you can think clearly.  Stopping to hunt for your medications or other important needs can cost you critical seconds in an evacuation.  You may not have time during an actual emergency, and you may forget critical items. 
You can make your kit yourself, and it doesn’t have to be expensive.  Remember not to include so many things that your get gets heavy!  Keep your bag in the same location in your house, or with you in your car.

Be Prepared to Shelter Safely at Home

If a major disaster strikes, you may need to shelter at home without access to vital services for several days.  By taking time now you can be prepared to provide for you and your family safely at home.  Below, we provide two helpful guides to for preparing your home and an Alaska 7-Day Emergency Kit.

Disaster Planning For Your Pets

Disaster preparedness is good for you, and it's good for your pet, too!  Several online resources help pet owners know what to do to take care of their four-footed and feathered friends during a disaster event: