Port & Harbor Advisory Commission

City of Homer, Alaska

The Port and Harbor Advisory Commission (PHC) was established via Ordinance 73-1 and operates under Homer City Code Chapter 2.64.  The purpose of the PHC is to:

  • Act in an advisory capacity to the City Manager and the City Council on the problems and development of the City port and harbor facilities. Consideration may include the physical facilities, possible future development and recommendations on land use within the port and harbor areas.
  • Direct recommendations regarding the operation and maintenance of the facilities to the City Manager via memorandum from the Port and Harbor Advisory Commission.
  • Consider any specific proposal, problem or project as directed by the City Council and any report or recommendations thereon shall be made directly to the Council, unless otherwise directed by the Council.

PHC meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. with the exception of November and December will be the second Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. All meetings are held at City Hall unless noted otherwise and are open to the public.

Terms are for three years and expire on February 1st of designated years. The commission consists of seven members comprised of at least five (5) members that reside inside city limits. In addition to the seven members who make up the voting body, one City Council member and one Homer area high school Student Representative may also be appointed to serve as consulting, non-voting members.  The Mayor, City Manager, and Port Director/Harbormaster may serve as non-voting, consulting members.


Casey Siekaniec, Chair (2027)
P.O. Box 1275
Homer, AK 99603
Phone: (907) 435-7485

Jared Bradshaw (2027)
5709 Clearwater Drive
Homer, AK 99603
Phone: (907) 299-7441

David Atwood (2028)
P.O. Box 2794
Homer, AK 99603
Phone: (907) 299-4299

William Roth (2028)
P.O. Box 1230
Homer, AK 99603
Phone: (907) 435-4683

Bruce Friend (2026)
P.O. Box 103
Homer, AK 99603
Phone: (907) 250-4033

Ian Pitzman (2026)
4254 Svedlund Circle
Homer, AK 99603
Phone: (907) 299-1159

Lacey Velsko (2026)
2357 W. Highland Drive
Homer, AK 99603
Phone: (907) 299-6888

Student Representative:
Caitlyn Rogers


Amy Woodruff, Port Admin Supervisor


Consulting Members:
Rachel Lord, Mayor
Melissa Jacobsen, City Manager
Bryan Hawkins, Port Director